United States
Parapsychology FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Parapsychology.
Consciousness Research Laboratory, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
This award winning homepage provides information on the CRL's research, publications and online experiments.
PEAR Laboratory, Princeton University.
This site offers information on the Princeton Engineering and Anomalies Research Laboratory, staff and publications.
Rhine Research Center, Durham, North Carolina.
The RRC and its Institute for Parapsychology provide information and education on topics in parapsychology.
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, California.
The CSL conducts government sponsored research in parapsychology and has recently been featured on "Nightline" (ABC), and CNN.United Kingdom
Koestler Parapsychology Unit, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
This award winning site provides information on the Unit, its personnel, list of psi references and guides to the ganzfeld and PK experiments.
Parapsychology sources on the internet.
An excellent index of parapsychology resources.
Parrott-Warrick Research Unit, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield UK.
This new site provides information on the unit, its staff and research objectives.The Netherlands
Anomalous Cognition, University of Amsterdam
This was the very first site on the WWWeb which provided psi information, online experiments and ftp site material.![]()
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